Seminar on Relationship Between the Structures and Some Properties of Slags by IIM Bangalore Chapter

  Indian Institute of Metals – Bangalore Chapter


                                  ASM International Bengaluru Chapter,


                                      Department of Materials Engineering 






For optimization of the refining process, thermochemical and thermophysical properties of slags are important because these properties are relevant to the chemical reaction of slag metal interface and mass and heat transfer phenomena. These properties are related to the structures. To reuse the ironmaking and steelmaking slag, it is necessary to know the relationship between structure and properties. In this presentation, thermochemical properties such as sulphide capacity and iron oxide activities of slags are discussed from the perspective of the silicate network structures. In addition, microscopic basicity of Si-O-Si, which is related to the hydration process of Blast Furnace slag cement, will be discussed.

About the Speaker: 


Prof. Miyuki Hayashi is a full professor of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Institute of Science Tokyo (Former Tokyo Institute of Technology). She graduated from Department of Metallurgical Engineering, Tokyo Inst. Tech. in 1992 and achieved her PhD at the same department in 1997. Her PhD thesis title is “Magnetic and optical properties of steelmaking slags from the perspective of coordination structures of iron ions”. She worked as a post-doctoral researcher at Department of Physics, Trinity College, University of Dublin for one year, and then as an assistant professor at Tokyo Inst. Tech. for four years. To expand her academic field, she moved to Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, and worked with Prof. Seetharaman for one year and a half, where she worked on thermal conductivities of mold flux, coke and Fe, Ti and Ni-based super alloys, and other thermophysical and thermochemical properties, such as viscosity and sulfide capacity. She became an associate She became an associate professor in 2004 and a full professor in 2021 at Tokyo Inst. Tech.


Speaker & Affiliation 

: Prof. Miyuki Hayashi

  Dept. Materials Science and Engineering,


  Institute of Science Tokyo, Japan


:  Relationship between the structures and some     properties of slags.




:  Monday 27th  January 2025




:  3:00PM to 4:00PM




:  KPA  Auditorium, Materials Engineering, IISc  



 For details Contact : Dr Abhik N Choudhury, Hon. Chairman, IIM BC


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