NDT Level II Training as per ASNT RP SNT TC 1A - Schedule from 18th December 2013, Bangalore, India

NDT Level II Training Schedule from 18th December 2013, Bangalore, India

Trinity Institute of NDT Technology ( A Unit of Trinity NDT) is organizing the next NDT Level II training and certification schedule on Eddy Current testing, Ultrasonic testing, Magnetic Particle testing, Liquid Penetrant testing, Visual testing and Radiography Film Interpretation courses from  18th December 2013.

Now admissions are open for the following courses and Interested candidates can register for the courses.
1. Ultrasonic testing
2. Magnetic particle testing
3. Liquid Penetrant testing
4. Radiography Film Interpretation course
5. Visual testing
6 . Eddy current testing

For Online NDT courses registration visit website: www.trinityndt.com or call +91 98441 29439 / 9141 339994 email: training@trinityndt.com


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