
Showing posts from June, 2024

Summary of Major Changes in ASNT Recommended Practice SNT TC 1A 2024 edition

  Summary of Major Changes in ASNT Recommended Practice SNT TC 1A 2024 edition Recently ASNT has released 2024 edition of SNT TC 1A - Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive testing .  Following are the summary of major changes when compared to previous editions 2020. Paragraph 1.5 was removed. Paragraphs 2.1.7 and 2.1.11 were updated to better define the terms “Detection Rate” and “False Call” to ensure their precise application. Paragraphs 2.1.15 and 2.1.18 were revised to further elucidate the term “Predictive Maintenance”. Additionally, to contrast with the term “NDT”, the definition of “ Non-Destructive Testing ” was included in accordance with ASTM E1316. The text in parentheses in paragraph 2.1.21 was amended to read: “This is usually done before any NDT is performed when there are concerns regarding the performance of the NDT or the instrument’s response.” In Table 6.3.1B, interpretations for digital radiography (RD), computed radiography (CR ), and comput

What Causes Pinholes in Welding? Causes and Remedies - A Guide

  What Causes Pinholes in Welding? Causes and Remedies - A Guide Contents Introduction  Understanding the Welding Process   Exploring the Causes of Pinholes  Impact of Pinholes on Weld Quality  Strategies for Prevention and Mitigation    Introduction   In the intricate world of welding, pinholes are a persistent challenge that welders encounter.  These tiny voids, often invisible to the naked eye, can significantly compromise the integrity and quality of a weld.  Understanding what pinholes are and why they need to be addressed is crucial for maintaining the structural integrity and functionality of welded components.  Definition of Pinholes in Welding   Pinholes in welding refer to small voids or discontinuities within the weld metal or at the weld interface.  These voids can vary in size, ranging from microscopic to more visible defects, depending on the welding process and parameters.  Pinholes are typically formed due to gas entrapment, contamination, or improper welding te