Centre of Welding for Welders Training WPS PQR Welding Services by TRINITY NDT


Centre of Welding by TRINITY NDT Opening on 06th September 2019

Centre of Welding by TRINITY NDT is a Unique facility that is being unleashed to cater to welding industry to support in improvement of quality in welding shop floors, consulting, training, WPS PQR preparation services, welding inspection services and Nondestructive testing of Weld Joints. The centre of Welding by TRINITY NDT is fully equipped with state of art Welding Equipment spanning all major welding processes and World class training facility to train welder in refining the skills to meet industry standards. The centre is also equipped with Robotic welding and Automation in welding solutions. Overall it the centre for Ultimate and Quality welding services. For more information on Trinity NDT Welding Services visit: www.trinityndt.com or call or whats app NOW on 9844129439 / 9141339969 email: welding@trinityndt.com


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