NDE 2018 - Nondestructive Testing NDT Seminar Mumbai Maharashtra India

NDE 2018 - Nondestructive Testing/Evaluation NDT/NDE Seminar Mumbai Maharashtra India


NDE 2018 is the annual event organized by Indian Society for Non-DestructiveTesting-NDT. The event comprises of conference and exhibition, which will run in parallel from Dec. 19-21, 2018. The conference will be held at CIDCO Convention Center, Mumbai, India, while the exhibition will be running at the CIDCO Exhibition Hall, Mumbai, India. Both the venues are adjacent to each other and connected internally. Prior to the event, Pre-conference tutorial on NDT will be organized from Dec.17-18, 2018 on various topics that are relevant to industries.

During the conference there will be 40+ keynote lectures delivered by eminent personalities in the field if NDE. The conference is also an opportunity for Nondestructive Testing-NDT professionals to present their work in various technical sessions. There are special awards for the ‘best’ presentations in various categories (oral presentations, short presentation and poster presentation).

The exhibition promises to bring all the conventional and advanced NDT technologies under one roof for the benefit of delegates. Delegates can witness live demonstration of NDT equipments and discuss the challenges they are facing in their industry related to Inspection. Over 75+ exhibitors across the globe will be participating in this event. There will be special awards for the ‘best‘ exhibitor in various categories (NDT technology, NDT services etc.)

Over 1000 delegates from all over the world will be attending this event. The event provide an ideal platform to delegates to share and discuss their work with experts and colleagues working in NDT and related fields.


 NDE technologists, scientists and professionals interested in presenting their original work at NDE 2018 are requested to upload the abstract(s) of their paper(s) in any of the following suggested broad areas and topics:
·         Conventional and Advanced NDT technologies   
·         Materials Characterization by NT
·         Modelling and simulation
·          Signal and Image Processing
·         NDE Sensors and Instrumentation
·         Robotics and Automation in NDT
·         Application of NDT in various industries
·         Quality Control and Quality Assurance
·         In-service Inspection and Condition Monitoring
·         Structural Health Monitoring and Aging Management
·         Structural Integrity Assessment and Life Extension
·         Novel NDE Methods
·         Reliability and Effectiveness of NDE
·         Performance Demonstration and Evaluation
·         Multi-NDE, IOT and Data Fusion
·         NDE in Bio-Medical Engineering 
·         Emerging NDE technologies


Pre-Conference Tutorials (PCT) will be conducted during Dec.17-18, 2018 at Navi Mumbai, close to the venue of NDE 2018. It is planned to conduct the PCT on the following topics:
·         NDE for Oil  & Gas Industries
·         NDE for boilers
·         NDE for Civil Structures
          The faculty for PCT will comprise of eminent speakers from academic  institutes, research centers and industries. Apart from the fundamentals, interesting case studies will be presented during PCT. Live demonstrations of NDT equipments, which are relevant to the topic , will be made during


Abstract submission: October 15, 2018
Author Registration: November 15,2018
Kindly upload the abstract through the conference website www.nde2018.in.  The full text of the papers presented at the NDE 2018 will be published online. The presenting author must register as a delegate for NDE 2018 for NDE 2018 for inclusion of his/her paper in the technical programme. For any queries, please email: technical@nde2018.in


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