Welding & Fabrication Technology (WeldFab2018), New Delhi, India

Conference & Exhibition on 'Welding & Fabrication Technology (WeldFab2018)' on 5-6 October 2018
Hotel Holiday Inn, New Delhi

'Welding' is an essential part of everyday life and the use of welding in today’s technology is extensive. With the launch of the ‘Make in India’ initiative by the Government of India, to transform India into a global design and manufacturing hub, developments in welding & fabrication Industry is the need of the moment to make Indian products globally competitive. Welding metallurgy is an important field because the welded material changes their micro-structure and properties due to heat cycle associated with welding. Qualified and competent welding engineers with multidisciplinary knowledge are essential for the success of the welding industry. Also, newer materials ranging from variations of existing metallic materials to advanced materials, composites, nano-materials and others has started. Welding of these materials posses’ technological challenges in welding fabrication, leading to development of superior welding processes and quality assurance criteria. The WeldFab 2018 conference will provide a dynamic forum for the attending professionals from industry, academia, research institutions and service providers to share, enhance and utilize the knowledge base in Welding, Fabrication and allied technologies to fill up the gaps and attend the problems faced by the Industry.

Tentative Technical Sessions
- Advances in Welding, Fabrication & Cutting Techniques
- Welder Training & Certification
- Metallurgy of Welding
- Characterization, Inspection & NDE of Welding
- Mechanical Behavior & Weld Integrity
- Pressure Vessels, Boilers and Pipeline Welding
- Automatic & Robotic welding
- Shipbuilding, Underwater Welding

Invitation for Abstract Submission

Welding & Fabrication technologists, scientists and professionals from the Industries, Academia, Research Organization are invited for technical paper presentation in any one of the suggested theme topics. Abstracts will be evaluated based on relevance, uniqueness/originality, technical content, and clarity. Authors are requested to submit abstracts not exceeding 300-500 words as per the guidelines through email (Email Id: technical@weldfab.co.in). To ensure a wider participation, POSTER sessions will be held along with the oral presentations. Authors desirous of presenting their papers in the poster session may indicate their preference while submitting the abstract.

Topics & Agendas to be covered
The seminar will cover the latest developments and advances in Welding & Fabrication Technology related but not limited to:

Welder Training & Certification
·         Welder Training, Certification & Performance
·         Welding Procedure Qualification, Welding Process Safety
·         Cost and Economics of Welding, Safety and Productivity in Welding

Metallurgy of Welding
·         Advances in Materials & Metallurgy of Welding
·         Welding Metallurgy & Weldability Analysis
·         Behaviour of Metals Subjected to Welding
·         Importance of Welding Consumables and Procedures for Conventional and Emerging Materials
·         Importance of Accurate Welding Procurement
·         Field Heat Treatment: An Essential Variable in Welding
·         Physicochemical processes (thermodynamics, kinetics, microstructure, phase transformations,
·         Corrosion)
·         Special electrometallurgy processes
·         The Physics of Welding
·         Surfacing and Wear

Characterization, Inspection & NDE of Welding
·         Using Advanced Equipment & Processes to Improve Quality, Productivity, and Safety
·         Welding Power Sources, Equipments
·         Inspection & Non-Destructive Examination: Cost vs. Value
·         Automation of welding processes, Robotics and related technologies
·         Computer Aided Welding Engineering
·         Process Monitoring, Sensors, Control
·         Cost & Economics of Welding, NDT, QA and Failure Analysis
·         Quality Management in Welding and Allied Processes

Advances in Welding, Fabrication & Cutting Techniques
·         Welding Design, Analysis, Manufacturing and Fabrication Techniques & Processes
·         Arc Welding and Filler Metals
·         Recent developments in joining technology - welding, soldering, brazing and Diffusion Bonding
·         Mathematical modeling and simulations
·         Joining of polymer and ceramic materials, Micro joining and Nano joining
·         Thermal Cutting and Allied Processes
·         Laser Cutting & Welding Technology
·         Resistance welding, Solid State Welding and Allied Joining Processes
·         Power Beam Processes

Mechanical Behavior & Weld Integrity
·         Strength, reliability and life of welded structures
·         Repair, Reclamation, Maintenance & Surfacing
·         Mechanical and Corrosion Properties, Residual Stress and Distortion Control
·         Structural Performances of Welded Joints - Fracture Avoidance
·         Fatigue Behaviour of Welded Components and Structures
·         Assessment of Properties, Integrity of Weld Joints, Residual Life Estimation
·         Residual Stresses and Distortion
·         Non-Destructive Evaluation, Quality Assurance and Weld Related Failure Analysis

Important Dead Lines
Abstract Submission:             30th June 2018
Early Bird Discount:              14th July 2018
Full Paper Submission:          11th August 2018       
Presentation Submission:       22nd September 2018

Guidelines for Abstract Submission
Title:                Times New Roman; 14 Font, Bold
Author:            Times New Roman; 12 Font, Bold
Affiliations:     Times New Roman; 11 Font, Bold, Italic
Abstract:         Times New Roman; 12 Font, 300 – 500 words
Keywords:       Times New Roman; 11 Font, Bold, Italic, 3-4 max. Number of keywords

Who should attend?
Professionals from
· Welding & Fabrication engineers and practicing professionals
· Metallurgist, Heat Treatment professionals, Material Characterization
· Production managers, shop floor engineers & supervisors
· Welding Equipment Suppliers, Electrode Manufacturing companies
· Inspection and quality control organizations and personnel
· Consumable and equipment manufacturers and dealers
· Academicians, Scientists, Researchers
· Faculty and Students from Engineering Colleges and
. Engineering and Professional Technical Training Institutes
. Inspection & NDT professionals, Failure Analyst
. Professionals from Oil & Gas, Chemical & Petroleum Industry
. Energy & Power Industry, Nuclear
. Petrochemical, Fertilizer & Process Industries
. Upstream & Drilling, Offshore Facilities, Pipeline
. Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Railways, Shipping, Defense, Information Technology
. Maintenance & Construction Personnel.
. R&D organizations

For more information contact:
Mr. D Ghosh
Member of Organizing Committee
Mob: - +91-9971943010


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