Ultrasonic testing technician Level II Job Vacancies Openings Trinity NDT Bengaluru India

Trinity NDT is a reputed Independent NABL accredited ISO17025 certified NDT Laboratory head quartered in Bengaluru India, serving the clients across the countries. It is having World class NDT Inspection Labs at Peenya Indl Estate Bengaluru India. Its specialized Aerospace NDT facility caters to the needs of Aerospace customers both during manufacturing and inservice Overhaul NDT Inspections.

Facilities available: Ultrasonic testing UT Inspection, Radiography testing RT inspection, X ray testing of castings welds, FPI penetrant testing Aerospace, MPI magnetic particle inspection testing, visual and third party inspection of Welds pressure vessels, fabricated structures, NDT Level III consulting, Nondestructive testing procedure technique preparation, Welder Qualification testing, WPS PQR establishement, Welders Welding inspectors training.

Presently the NDT company in India is looking to recruit NDT Level II inspectors/technicians for its base in Bangalore. Candidates meeting the above eligibility criteria with NDT level II certifications can apply.


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