Welding Seminar & AWS Lecture-The India Institute of Welding, Mumbai, India

The Indian Institute of Welding, Mumbai, India The Indian Institute of Welding (IIW-India) is a non-profit professional body, established in 1966 to promote the interest of welding industry and practicing welding professionals in India. As the sole Indian member society of the International Institute of Welding , IIW-India represents Indian interests in development of global welding education/certification programs and formulation of international welding standards apart from participating in exchange of technical and scientific information. IIW-India is headquartered at Kolkata and has thirteen branches located at key industrial cities. The Mumbai Branch of IIW-India, with its large individual and corporate membership, is one of the Institute's most active branches. The branch conducts technical lectures, refresher courses, welding training programmes, workshops and seminars on a regular basis for its members, engineers and welding practitioners. Annual Branch S...