UT, MT Level I, II Job Vacancies in Faridabad, Delhi, India

                   Fresh/ Experienced NDT Level II Jobs vacancies in Faridabad, Delhi, India

A reputed auto components manufacturer in Faridabad, Delhi would like to recruit the following NDT personnel:

1. Magnetic Particle testing Level I technicians - 09 vacancies
2. Magnetic Particle testing Level 2 technicians - 02 vacancies
3. Ultrasonic testing Level 1 technicians - 02 vacancies

Preference will be given to candidates certified from 'Trinity Institute of NDT Technology, Bangalore'

Interested NDT professionals can email their resumes to: balbir2512@gmail.com or contact Mr. Balbir Singh  on +91 9582949009

Please note that the recruitment will be directly carried out by the company based in Faridabad, Delhi and 'Trinity NDT' purely would like to help the job seekers.

To know more about 'Trinity NDT' Quality Inspection Services, training & certification courses please visit: www.trinityndt.com or call : +91 80 283 66466 , 98441 29439, 99009 29439.

Facilities at 'Trinity NDT':

Aerospace & General NDT  ǀ  Welding Inspection  ǀ  Training & Certification  ǀ  ASNT Level III Consulting  ǀ  Sales – NDT Equipments 


  1. You have made it easy to Freshers jobs in NCR. Thank you so much NCRJobs for posting such a blog.#FreshersJobsInNcr

  2. I want to join this institute please give your contact nomber

  3. You can contact us on +91 9844129439 email: training@trinityndt.com
    Website: www.trinityndt.com
    Facebook page: www.facebook.com/trinityndt.in
    Whats app: +91 98441 29439

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