National Welding Seminar Jamshedpur India, 22-24 Jan 2015

NATIONAL WELDING SEMINAR (NWS 2014-2015) WELD INDIA 2014-2015, 9 TH WELDING TECHNOLOGY EXPOSITION JOINTLY ORGANISED BY THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF WELDING JAMSHEDPUR BRANCH & TATA STEEL LIMITED, Jamshedpur DATES : JANUARY 22 ND TO 24 TH 2015 SEMINAR VENUE : Shavak Nanavati Technical Institute (SNTI) ‘N’ Road ,Bistupur, Jamshedpur Exhibition Venue: ‘G’ Town Maidan , Bistupur, Jamshedpur NB: The inaugural function will be held at Rabindra Bhavan, pipe line road , Jamshedpur from 2:30 pm on 22 nd January 2015 THE ORGANIZERS The NWS2014-1015 and Weld India 2014-2015 is being organized jointly by the Indian Institute of Welding , Jamshedpur Branch and Tata Steel Limited. The Indian Institute o...